1 Token = 0 Gold

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Highest in last 3 days: 0

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About this SiteThis is a site developed to track the value of the World of Warcraft Token from various regions over time. I developed it because I wanted a quick and simple way to track the cost without being advertised to or tracked, and to play around with various "serverless" technologies. As such, my promise to you is never to use any tracking Javascript, and the only logging is for debugging purposes of the backend - which does not get IPs.
What is the WoW TokenThe World of Warcraft Token is a first-party system developed by Blizzard to allow you to either spend currency (local denomination or Blizzard Balance) and convert it to gold in retail World of Warcraft, or use gold to buy game time or Blizzard Balance. To find out more, visit the support article on Blizzard's website here.